Saturday, November 30, 2019

The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations Essay Example

The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations Essay Undergraduate Programme Individual Coursework Submission Feedback Form To#be#completed#by#the#student#- #complete#all#grey#areas#5#failure(to(fully(complete(this(section(or(giving(inaccurat e(information(may( result(in(coursework(being(refused(or(delayed. ( Moduledetails: Module:code: MS3102! Course ofStudy'(please tickone! ): BScAccountingandFinance BSc BankingandInternationalFinance BSclnvestmentandFinancialRiskManagement BSc RealEstateFinanceandlnvestment Studentdetails: 596! BScActuarialScience BScBusinessStudies BScManagement Other'(pleasespecify) Family! Name:! Sarkhel! First! Names:! Jade! Nina!! *your! Student! Registration! Number! (Reg! No)! is! printed! on! the! right! hand! side! of! your! Student! Identity! Card.! ! 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We will write a custom essay sample on The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The use of Skype to facilitate Virtual Organisations specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Youshouldpayparticularattentiontoanyfeedbacknoteddirectlyonyourwork. ! FinalMark: Authorised! by:! Please(contact(your(lecturer(to(discuss(his/ her(comments(and(obtain(further(feedback. (All(marks(are(provisional(until(approved(by(the(appropriate(Assessment(Board. ( Technology facilitating virtual organisations This report endeavors to study the application of Skype to facilitate a virtual organisation. This critical analysis will identify benefits and risks associated with the application of this technology and scenarios for its use in the immediate and slightly more distant future. Word count: 2013) )3! ENCOURAGE! KNOWLEDGE! BUILDING! VIRTUAL! INTERVIEWS! † 5 TRAINING! 6 24/7! CUSTOMER! CONCLUSION) BIBLIOGRAPHY). OF MI 980).!! The% exponential% growth% (App. % 1)% of% the% internet% over% recent% years% has% eroded% international% barriers,% given% access% to% a% plethora% of% information% at% our% fingertips% and% has% influenced% a% significant%shift%in %the%way%businesse s%work%today. %with%the%help%of%technological%tools, %we%have% %work%to%more%virtual%organisationsl . These% organisations% operate% in% a % dispersed% manner% with% intensive% use% of% information% technology, %opening%up%both%endless%unexplored%opportunities%and%threats. %with %offce%space%in% prime%locations%becoming%increasingly%more%expensive %and%individual%desk%space%costing%up%to% El 2,000%a%year2,%we%see % many%businesses%warmly%welcoming%the%use%of%virtual%organisations%to% help%drive%down%costs. %% To% successfully% gain% the% benefits% of% operating% as% a% virtual% entity,% frameworks% such% as% the% intelligent% exploiter% model% could% be% used% to% overcome% challenges. highlights% the% importantance% of% implementing% an% effective% system% in% order% to% utilize% information% systems% and%successfully%enhance%performance3%(app%2). %This%critical analysis%endeavors%to%find%value%in% the%use%of%the%web %2. O%t0015,%Skype,%as%an%effective%system%to%facilitate%a%virtua l %organisation. %lt% will%detail%applications%of%skype%to%support%virtual%work %and%the%risks%that%may%arise. %% Skype%is%the%current%leader%in%voice %over%lP%(VolP)%service%and%instant%messaging. %First%released%in% August %freemium4%service%fits% under% the% category% of% a% Web% 2. % tool,% which% is% a% technological% service% that% enables% users% to% interact,% personalize% and% share% information% over% the% Internet5. % Skype% is% classed% as% a% peer% to% peer% application% and% operates% over% a% ultitude% of% platforms% (across% Mac% and% PC)% % mobile% devices%such %as%tablets,%smartphones%and%laptops%allowing%onMtheMgo%accessibility. %% %A virtual organization or company is one whose members are geographically apart, usually operates primarily via electronic means, appearing to others to be a single, unified organization with a real physical location http://whatis. echtarget. com/ %Richard Nessen- Lecture on Virtual Organisations% 3 %Holtham, Clive (October 2009) The I ntelligent Exploiter, Cass Business School. Available At: 4% Freemium is a business model by which a proprietary product or service (typically a igital offering such as software, media, games or web services) is provided free of charge, but money (premium) is charged for advanced features, functionality, or virtual goods. %Antiroiko Savolainen, 2011 It was coined in 2004 by OReilly who claimed that the use of these tools are to make the internet a more collaborative place (BCS, 2009) The% ability% of% a% firm% to% culminate% relevant% knowledge 6 %and% transform% them% into% unique% capabilities% can% be% crucial% in% developing % nonMimitable% competitive% advantages. % a% virtual% organisation,% is % quiet% common% to% have% individuals% in% different% geographical% locations to% be% working% on% the% same% projects. Interactions% between% individuals% operating% remotely% become% more%challenging%thus%reducing %the%amount%of%knowledge%being%shared. %Skype%allows%up%to%25% partic ipants%to%Join%a%conversation%at%once7,%which%can%be%implemented %into%an%organisation%to% facilitate% knowledge% management 8 ,% virtual% brainstorms% and% group% discussions. % Borderless% collaboration%can%help%to %improve%innovation%through%generating%a%wider%variety%of%ideas%with% influence% from% leading% practices% from% different% geographical% locations. can% improve% consistency%throughout%work,%as%everyone%has%equal access%to%information%and%overall%improve% decision%making%due%to%a % reduction%in%the%loss%of%knowMhow%tacit9%knowledge. %Facilitating%group% discussions%also%increases%productivity%by%reducing%cases%of%reinventing interactions% would% have% significant% benefits,% the% difficulty% arises%when %trusting%relationships%are%not%fully%developed%and%thus%hinders%the %dissemination%of% tacit% knowledge. The% facilitation% and% management% of % knowledge% sharing% also% becomes% more% challenging% in% absence% of% physical% presence% as% a% physical% brainstorming% session% would% usually% ontain% a% mediator% that% actively% manages% the% interaction% to% either% encourage% our% prevent% interruptions% for% example% in% a% physical% scenario% individuals% would% raise% a% hand% before% interrupting. % Another% important% risk% is% exposing% confidential% material,% as% there% is% very% little% control%over%who%is%listening%in%via%the%25%possible%channels%of %communicators. Knowledge is a fluid mix of framed experience, values, contextual information, and expert insight that provides a basis for evaluating and incorporating new experiences and information. It originates and is applied in the mind of individuals. In organisations, it often becomes embedded not only in documents or repositories but also in organisational routines, processes, and practices. (Davenport Prusak, 2000) 7 %There is a magic number for brainstorming and that number is 8-10 people. If you get more than ten people, it becomes challenging for everyone to participate and its too easy for side conversations to get going. http://www. ]rsconsulting. net/ freearticles 26. html% 8 %Knowledge Management is the discipline of enabling individuals, teams and entire organisations to collectively and systematically create, share and apply knowledge, to etter achieve their objectives Ron Young. 9 %Goffn, K. Koners, U. (2011). Tacit Knowledge, Lessons Learnt, and New Product Development. J PROD INNOV MANAG, 28, 300-318. With tacit knowledge, people are not often aware of the knowledge they possess or how it can be valuable to others. Effective transfer of tacit knowledge generally requires extensive personal contact, regular interaction and trust. This kind of knowledge can only be revealed through practice in a particular context and transmitted through social networks. To some extent it is captured when the knowledge holder Joins a network or a community of practice. 0 %250 companies using Skype, 80% said using it increased employee productivity. http://financialsocialmedia. com/theadvantages-of-skype-in-business- communications/% Physical%and%social%interaction%is%known%to%bind%an%organisation. %The %lack%of%these%interactions%in% virtual% organisations% tends% to% hinder% the% development% of% a% company% culture. % To% encourage% social %interaction%between%virtual%workers,%Skypes%instant%messaging%and%VoIP %can%be%used%for% immediate% support% during% projects% and% general% social% interactions. Encouraging% employees% to% upload% profile% pictures% nd% building% a% personal% profile% for% themselves% can% help% to% develop % a% more%humane%appearance%to%workers,%especially%when%primarily %interacting%on%a%virtual%level. %lt% can% help% to% foster% teamwork% and% a % sense% of% belonging% in% a% virtual% organisation. % The% risk% of% encouraging%employees%to%use%skype%as%a%social%media%tool%is%the %inability%to%control%the%extent%it% is%being%used%for%social%interaction %and%thus%distracting%employees%from%their%work. % Internet%accessibility%has%opened%up%a%global%pool%of%potential%employees %from%which%to%recruit% from. %The%opportunity%to%outsource%work%through virtual%organisations%has%reduced%the%cost%of% remuneration% and% provided% a% wider% pool% of% applicants% for% firms% to% filter% out% the% most% skilled% people% across% the% globe. % So% although% firms% are% no% longer% limited% to% applicants% within% a% comfortable% com muting% distance % from% an% office% base,% the% difficulty% arises% when% interviewing% international%applicants%for%a%virtual%offsite%role. To%overcome%this,%Skype %could%be%implemented% to%hold%virtual%interviews%via%video%VolP. %The %absence%of%travel%time%would%improve%flexibility%of% meeting%times%and would%also%reduce%the%physical%space%required%to%hold%interviews. %These%two% factors%would%significantly%reduce%the%cost%for%both%parties, %due%to%increased%freedom%to%connect% from%more%convenient%locations %and%the%ability%to%reallocate%meetingMroom%space. %The%benefit%of% using %video%calls%as%opposed%to%a%telephone%conversation%would%allow%the %interviewer%to%assess% important% contributors% such% as% body% language% and% presentation. From% the% applicants% perspective,%being%in%a%familiar %location%might%reduce%nerves%and%in%turn%improve%performance% during% the% interview. Skypes% built% in% recording% software% could% be% utilized% to% document% the% interview%as%referen ce%when%making%comparisons %between%applicants%or%to%allow%third%parties%to% asses% applicants% performance% for% a% more% balanced% final% decision. % A% drawback% of% %employees%experiencing%true% company% culture. Through% physically% entering% an% office% building,% they% would% experience% the% work% environment% and% have% the% opportunity% to% interact% with% potential% colleagues. % A% virtual% interview%could%also%result%in%interruptions%due%to %being%more%exposed%to%external%distractions. For%example%using%lnternet %in%a%cafe%could%result%in%disruptive%background%noise,%it%can%also%be% difficult%to%identify%whether%an%individual%requires%privacy%when%sitting%in %front%of%a%laptop%with% headphones%in. Connection%also%plays%a%big%part %in%determining%whether%the%process%works%well% or% not. Delays% can% occur,% calls% can% be% dropped,% and% poor% connectivity% may% result% in% broken% speech%and%noticeable%lag%in%signal%reaching%its%destination. %skype%does%not%offer%a%serv ice%level% agreement%(SLAb%warranting%that %service%will%be%available%and%quality%good,%therefore%call%and% onnection%quality%are%not%always%as%good%as%they%are%on%the%public %switched%telephone%network% (PSTN). %% Technological%advances%has%allowed%multinationals%to%converge%in%the%way %things%are%done%on%a% global% scale. Another% difficulty% experienced% in % virtual% organisations% is% the% ability% to% bring% all% employees%together %and%disseminate%the%same%standard%of%training%across%the%board. %skype %can% be% utilized% by% providing% prerecorded% training% sessions% to% off% site% employees% for% mobile% % anywhere%access. %For%a%more%localized %approach,%one%to%one%or%group%training%via%skype%video% calls% % creen% sharing% would% allow% a% firm% to% create% bespoke% and% highly% interactive% training% programs. The%interactive%aspect%encourages%live %feedback%on%sessions,%encourages%employees% to%be%more%participative%as %levels%of%intimidation%in%a%classroom%setting%are% reduced. %%The%ability% to%tailor%the%course%based%on%individuals%specific%requirements%also %becomes%more%achievable. % Additionally,% it% could% facilitate% training% seminars% with% external% industry% experts% that% may% not% usually%have %the%time%to%travel%away%from%work. The%live%aspect%of%the%sessions means%that% information%is%always%up%to%date%in%comparison%to %learning%via%literature,%and%again%the%built%in% recording% function% can% be% used% to% record% training% sessions% to% build% a% reference% library% with% anytime% access. % The% drawback% of% the% virtual% training;% leaves% the% speed% of% employee% development% down% to% their% own% motivations% to% progress% and% it% becomes% difficult% to% ensure% alertness% during% sessions% due% to% a% higher% level% of% distraction% in% comparison% to% being% in% a% classroom. sharing%confidential%tacit%%explicit%training % of% this% information% reaching% competitors. The% application% of% Skype% training% in% a% virtual% organisation% can% be% leveraged% as% a% competitive % weapon% and% an% employee% retention% tool% to% ensure% that% employees % are% being% offered% career% development,% growth% prospects%and%support %to%reach%personalized%goals%even%when%working%remotely. % % ln%virtual%organisations%newer%team%members%can%be%deprived%of%the %opportunity%to%learn%from% more% senior% workers% and% valuable% knowMhow% tacit% knowledge% can% be% lost% within% a% firm. % The% application%of%skype%calls%for%the%purpose%of%mentoring%could%mend%this %gap. Again%the%benefit%of% flexibility%and%virtual%faceMtoMface %communication%from%mentors%makes%it%easier%to%set%a%time%% date%to %agree%upon,%especially%with%executives%whose%time%may%be%in%high %demand. This%factor% could% encourage% more% frequent% encounters,% allow % relationships% to% develop% faster% and% shorten% power% distances% between% hierarchical% levels. % The% erosion% of% power% distance% can% benefit% both% levels,%as%experience%is%past %down%to%newer%members%and %the%most%up%to%date%knowledge%from% the% front% line% can% be% filtered % back% up% to% higher% levels. % The% challenge% of% implementing% virtual% entoring%is%the%temptation%for%either%party%to%multiMtask%instead%of %concentrating%on%the%task%at% hand. The% feature% of% having% email% access% and% social% media% literally% at% your% fingertips% can% be% highly %distracting. % The%emergence%of%social%media%%blogging%sites%has%empowered %consumers%and%has%supported% the%development%of%the%term %coMcreation. 1 1 %customers%and%producers%are%beginning%to%see%the% benefit%in%interacting%to%create%experiences%and%build%relationships%even %after%the%transaction%or% purchase% has% been% made. % A% successful% example% of% this% is% Apple% care,% which% allows% 2417% customer%support online. Skypes%voice%over%lP%services%could%be%utilized%to%provide %virtual%faceM toMface%interaction%and%support%with%customers. %The %onMtheMgo%access%via%its%mobile%application% would%allow%virtual %workers%to%take%calls%from%across%the%globe%in%a%preferred%location %without% having% to% operate% from% an% office% base. % % Exploiting% time% zones% % the% differences% in% public% and% religious%holidays%would%allow %firms%to%allocate%hours%to%different%regions%to%cover%24/7%support. % The % use% of% Skype% as% a% virtual% interaction% tool% could% help% to% create%

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Free Essays on Disadvantages Of Being Single

Disadvantages of Being Single A single person has more disadvantages in life than a person in a relationship. Often it seem that every film, television program, and magazine is full of people in relationships. In a world that looks to be focused primarily on couples, a single person can regularly feel lonely and long for a significant other. When one is of single status, he does not have anyone to share his most intimate feelings, to hold him when he needs held, to show him affection , and various other activities a person in a relationship enjoys doing. Because of this absence, a feeling of solitude is felt by one who is not in a relationship. Some may say that he has friends he could rely on to make up for the emptiness that is felt, but in reality a friend can only do so much. Most activities are enjoyed more when done by two people. When a single person goes out to a party or another type of social gathering, he must face others who are in relationships and often will not be accepted in groups where couples are the priority. As a consequence, a single person seldom goes out as much as a person who is in a relationship. When a person is single, he usually has a shortage of money. There is only one income, whereas in a relationship there is usually two incomes to help support the household. A single person may also find himself spending money on trying to get a date or find someone he will be happy with for the rest of his life. Benefits from work and taxes are also limited to single people. Often discounts are offered when one takes out a family plan or has dependents, which saves a person considerably. A single person misses out on some of the benefits offered to a married individual. At one point or another in everyone’s life one must consider having a family. Families usually consist of a mother, father, and children. If a person is single, she doesn’t get the opportunity to have a family. The t... Free Essays on Disadvantages Of Being Single Free Essays on Disadvantages Of Being Single Disadvantages of Being Single A single person has more disadvantages in life than a person in a relationship. Often it seem that every film, television program, and magazine is full of people in relationships. In a world that looks to be focused primarily on couples, a single person can regularly feel lonely and long for a significant other. When one is of single status, he does not have anyone to share his most intimate feelings, to hold him when he needs held, to show him affection , and various other activities a person in a relationship enjoys doing. Because of this absence, a feeling of solitude is felt by one who is not in a relationship. Some may say that he has friends he could rely on to make up for the emptiness that is felt, but in reality a friend can only do so much. Most activities are enjoyed more when done by two people. When a single person goes out to a party or another type of social gathering, he must face others who are in relationships and often will not be accepted in groups where couples are the priority. As a consequence, a single person seldom goes out as much as a person who is in a relationship. When a person is single, he usually has a shortage of money. There is only one income, whereas in a relationship there is usually two incomes to help support the household. A single person may also find himself spending money on trying to get a date or find someone he will be happy with for the rest of his life. Benefits from work and taxes are also limited to single people. Often discounts are offered when one takes out a family plan or has dependents, which saves a person considerably. A single person misses out on some of the benefits offered to a married individual. At one point or another in everyone’s life one must consider having a family. Families usually consist of a mother, father, and children. If a person is single, she doesn’t get the opportunity to have a family. The t...

Friday, November 22, 2019

A Study Of The Political Culture In Japan Since Time Immemorial

A Study Of The Political Culture In Japan Since Time Immemorial Throughout most of history, Japanese political culture has centralized around the concept of imperialism. Only during the time period of 1192-1867 did the central imperialist government loose control. This was brought upon by the civil wars and the anarchy that Japan faced prior to 1192. These events set the stage for a new ruling system called Seii-Taishogun 1. Due to this type of military dictatorship the shogun ruled all of Japan. From the new administrative capital, Edo (present day Tokyo) the shogun era controlled by the Tokugawa family brought long lasting peace to Japan, increased wealth and influence of the warrior class, a distinct social status classification system, decreased power of the emperor, and created an isolationism policy for Japan. Oda Nobunga (1534-1582) and Toyomoto Hideyoshi (1537- 1598) brought their opponents to knees. The process reached its climax in 1590, when Hideyoshi carried his banners into eastern Japan. Tokugawa Ieyasu (1543-1616) rose to power in this vortex of civil war, and succeed Hideyoshi as leader of the country s military estate. With Ieyasu in control of the country he wanted to establish a controlling government body that would keep his family in power for many centuries to come. With the implementation of Tokugawa political rule, this sleepy, historic area was destined to become the capital of all of Japan. By the start of the century, roughly one century after the establishment of Tokugawa bakufu, the city of Edo already boasted a population of around one million in habitants. With the government in the hands of Ieyasu it was clear that he wanted to create a new system of government that would separate the imperial nobles from the military nobles. decreed in Article 7 of the Rules for the Palace and Court that court ranks and offices of members o0f the military are to be treated separately from those held by court nobility. The imperial court that Ieyasu created which featured the emperor had no real power over the country while the members of the military court, led by Ieyasu controlled the country. The two main members of the military court were made up of the shogun, and the daimyo. The shoguns basic responsibilities to the military court was to supervise the court, while daimyo discussed issues, ensure domestic peace among the clans, and protect Japan from hostile outside threats. The daimyo were nobles/lords that that represented various clans and controlled parts of Japan through their regiment of samurai. Each daimyo could control there own section as they saw fit as long as it was is accordance to the regulations handed down by the shogun. As a way to ensure peace, and a willingness of the daimyo to co-operate with the rulings of the court the daimyo had to put up retainers. Bannermen and household retainers were actually put to work as guards in charge of fortifying the surroundings of the castle; daimyo wives and children were required to in live in the capital; daimyo themselves were given no choice but to accept the system of alternate attendance. Also Ieyasu ensured that his family would be guaranteed the leadership of the country, and assurance that no one daimyo clan could over power the government. Imposing taxes and repercussions that would be to great of a risk to rebel against the shogun government. Ieyasu imposed strict controls on the daimyo families, in particular those which had opposed his own bid for power. They were forced to spend a large part of the revenue from their fiefs on road-building and other improvements, and also to maintain residences in Edo, the shoguns seat of government, as well as in their fiefs. This kept them too poor to mount any effective opposition to the shogunate, even if they had been willing to sacrifice their families. 5 By means of these different types of influence that the shogun had over various government councils, this left the shogun with no serious challenges towards his authority. By the final decades of the seventeenth century, when the process of state building had run its course in France and Japan, the shogun and king embraced in principle and often exercised in practice and unprecedented degree of power. Each hegemon asserted the supreme right to proclaim laws, levy taxes, and adjudicate disputes. Each ruler presided over a bureaucracy that carried out the details of governance, and each state enjoyed monopoly on the legitimate use of physical force, the better to impose its will. 6 Which is why the emperor, and the imperial court had no real power over the country and that the shogun reigned supreme it its military dictatorship. Due to this new era of constant peace in Japan the demand for warriors, such as samurai greatly decreased during the shogun era. This left many people out of jobs and mostly samurai had to find a line of work in something else. But, in Edo the shogun was the only entity that kept a massive army for protection, and a massive migration of soldiers descended upon the city. For this reason many jobs became available for merchants, and artisans that were needed to help and supply the enormous amount of supplies that were being utilized in the great building (forts/castles) expansion that was occurring in Edo. Commoners began to stream into the city during the 1590 s, as Ieyasu promised his patronage to those who would help him construct his military headquarters and provision his warriors: armorers and smiths, lumber dealers and carpenters. 7 With all of these jobs that had been created by this migration the Japanese culture began seeing the emergence of a middle-class economic system tha t was mainly made up of these commoners that had gone to work in Edo. Even though this was a major break through in terms of equality among people the same customs and community hierarchy as in the imperial era stayed mostly the same. Each rank of the feudal hierarchy was allotted clearly defined limits above or below which it was impermissible to pass. The principle of knowing one s place was of paramount importance: it was the iron law of feudal ethics. Today, knowing one s place generally implies not rising above what is deemed appropriate. But during the Edo period, falling below one s station was also prohibited. This ethic and the social order that supported it were firmly established during the century that followed the founding of Edo. 8 The definite social structure of the Edo period was similar to what was found in the imperial periods. The whole concept of knowing one s place in society was followed closely and strictly by the governing bodies. A perfect example of is the instance of the ranking of the daimyo. Principles of warrior rule gove rned the rank or status of individuals and families in the feudal hierarchy. Rules were drawn up stipulating the forms a daimyo was required to follow. Social rank determined the shape and size of the daimyo s Edo residence, the scale of his processions, and the kind of vehicles, furnishings, and clothing he was allowed to use. Distinctions of feudal rank were displayed to be immediately visible. These included the colours and designs of clothing, styles of architecture and materials used in buildings and gardens, and the methods and ingredients employed in manufacturing various goods consumed by the warrior. 9 These social classifications were closely watched and to disgrace the social conduct presented by these rules would result in a demotion of the daimyo s status in the society. This held true even in the instance of the society status of the emperor compared to shogun. During the shogun era the power of the emperor was nothing. He was more seen as a symbol of Japanese culture and religion than an authoritative figure during this era. the powers the emperor delegated to the shogun were public, meaning that authority was to be exercised not in the private interest of the shogun and warrior estate but rather in a manner that contributed to the well-being of all of the people of the realm. 10 The whole meaning of it was to look out for the people of Japan rather than just the minority that ran it. This was clearly true as the shogun era progressed the emperor s duties were relegated to just ceremonies, and the separation of the Buddhist church influence in the politics of the country became a law. Toward the sovereign emperor and the aristocracy n Kyoto, for instance Ieyasu and his successors acted with appropriate deference, granting them sustenance lands and rebuilding long neglected palaces. But the shoguns also stationed a military governor in the ancient imperial capital.. Regulations concerning the Emperor and Court, which confined the emperor and nobility to a life of ceremonial and artistic pursuits. The same blend of coercion and patronage characterized the shogun s relationship with the Buddhist religious establishment. The policy of the Tokugawa shoguns was to keep the church fiscally dependent upon government and isolated from secular affairs. Thus the shogun s officials endowed important shrines and temples with landholdings sufficient to sustain them as religious centers, but in 1615 the government also announced a code that restricted priests to purely religious and ritual activities, and twenty years later it placed religious institutions under the careful purview of the commissioners of shrines and temples. 11 The shoguns policy towards the church and the imperial court was that they had no power over any policies and decisions made by the shogun government. There only reason was to be there as cultural symbols t o the people of Japan. Also, the reason that the shogun government worked was due to its foreign policies, towards the isolationism of Japan from the rest of the world. Through all of the social reform that the shogun era established probably the greatest achievement by this government was its isolationism from the outside world. During the opening decades of the seventeenth century, the Tokugawa shoguns prohibited Christianity and restricted foreign commerce to Chinese and Dutch traders at Nagasaki, thus ushering in the Pax Tokugawa two centuries of peace under a warrior government. 12 This stance on foreign relations was a great boost to the Japanese way of life. It made the country as a whole concentrate on what was going on inside the country rather than what was going on outside of Japan during the exploration and colonization period that occurred in most of the other continents. The fact that Japan as a country was cut off from the rest of the world allowed them to keep their culture strong. The conclusion of warfare and the beginning of the great Pax Tokugawa provided the shogun (and the regional daimyo as well) with an opportunity to convert their warrior corps into civilian administrators. 13 The time of peace allowed more people in the country to serve the government in other ways such as; farming, politics, blacksmith, etc. The military government provided by the shogun era brought about many changes to imperial Japan. It established a secure government that kept the culture and unity of the country as a whole, very strong. This was because of the great achievements that were made by this type of government, such as; long lasting peace to Japan, the great city of Edo (present day Tokyo), increased wealth and influence of the warrior social class, creation of a distinct social pattern, decreased power of the emperor/religion in the policies made by the government, and the isolationism of Japan which saved its culture from outside influence.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

MGT 501 Case assign Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

MGT 501 Case assign - Essay Example The case involves Linda Myers, an American national who takes a job as a human resource manager with SK Telcom, a multinational firm in South Korea. Myers had been involved in human resource development in the global set up, before her contract with SK, and perceived the SK opportunity as a career development opportunity that she had always desired. The environment at SK was however challenging because she was the only American among her peer and therefore had a different cultural approach. She was never oriented into the job or the organization’s culture and realized existence of conflicting opinion with her superiors regarding her work’s scope. Her two years with the organization was strenuous before she eventually left the company. She also noted that the organization had, through its recruiting agent, assumed her to be a male and even though she had experience in the global environment and had since her childhood been motivated by the international set up, she found it hard to adjust to the organization’s culture and expectations (Green, 2011). Problem definition The case identifies a problem of cultural barrier between Myers and the organization. Inability to break this barrier and establish a common ground upon which Myers could relate with other member of the organization was another problem as both Ms. Myers and the organization failed accommodate each other. ... s lack of significant involvement of American women in executive positions in South Korea identifies one of the manifestations of cultural differences that hindered her ability to integrate into the organization. The American women’s absence in the environment is indicative of the South Korean male chauvinistic perspective or a negative perspective towards American women and their ability to perform at executive positions. Myers’ perception of a different culture that she hoped to change in the organization also identifies cultural differences. She identified the organization’s culturally fixed perspective and wished to break this culture and expose the organization to a global culture that would be open to diversified opinions, but faced a high level of resistance. Even the scope of her job identified a conflict between her opinions and those of her immediate seniors. The organization’s poor management approach is another identifiable cause of the problem because it failed to orient Myers into its culture, a factor that facilitated impact of the differences between the two cultures (Green, 2011). Hofstede’s dimensions of culture also offer a basis for explaining cultural difference between American based culture that Myers represented and the Korean culture that SK Telcom and its management represented. Power distance is one of the cultural dimensions that explain the cause of the problem in the case. The dimension refers to society’s ability to accept inequality among its members. Those who are lowly place along the power ladders accept the status and do not fight for better positions and some of the dimension’s aspects are acknowledgement and appreciation of inequality, recognition of dependence on few leaders, privileges for the powerful member of the

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Exam_4 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Exam_4 - Essay Example These components are applied in operational management allowing the management to access up-to-date data in real-time. Therefore, operational analytics offer an insight of the data within a data warehouse because it allows greater visibility of the various forms of data at a great speed (Turban, Sharda, Delen & King, 2010). OLAP (Online Analytic Processing) is the commonly used technique in data analysis employed within data warehouses driven by the increase in data volumes and the value of data-driven analytics in business. OLAP is also referred to as the capability to effectively manipulate and analyze data from various perspectives using its operational structure that relies in the concept known as cube. This concept has a multidimensional data structure that allows fast analysis of data because arrangement of data into cubes overcomes the limitations associated with relational databases (Turban, Sharda, Delen & King, 2010). KPI (Key Performance Indicator) represents a strategic objective and measures performance against a goal. KPIs are multidimensional and upon translation, this indicates that KPIs encompass various unique features. One of the distinguishing features includes strategy because KPIs embody a strategic objective. Moreover, KPIs measure performance against specific targets that are defined within the strategy, planning, or budget allowing the targets to take different forms like achievement targets, reduction targets and absolute targets among others. KPIs also have ranges because objectives have performance measures like above, on or below the target. Encoding in KPIs allow ranges to be encoded in software enabling the display of performance through colours like green, yellow and red based on percentages or other complex rules. Time frames in KPI mean that targets are assigned time frames within which they have to be accomplished; as well, the time frames are often divided into small int ervals to allow monitoring of performance

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Men Are Better Leaders Essay Example for Free

Men Are Better Leaders Essay Women in high-level leadership positions, such as corporate CEOs, when studied, seem to exhibit the same sorts of leadership behaviors as their male counterparts. That is probably because the demands of the leadership role require certain actions and behaviors to succeed. In addition, because of the hurdles that women must leap to get to the top (leadership and gender expert, Alice Eagly, refers to this as the labyrinth that women, but not men, need to go through), it could be the case that only women who exhibit the same sorts of leadership styles and behaviors as male leaders make it through. So, studying leaders at the top, gives the impression that there are no big differences in how men and women lead. You get a somewhat different picture if you ask followers and leaders about male and female leaders. They notice differences that are in line with stereotypes about men and women, reporting that female leaders are more nurturing, empathic, and responsive than male leaders, but they will also report the negative side (e. g. , moody). Male leaders, on the other hand, are perceived to be more action-oriented and more focused on tasks. As a Catalyst study concludes that according to leaders and followers in the workplace, women leaders take care, men leaders take charge. Realize, however, that this involves peoples perceptions of leaders, colored by stereotypes and expectations. Finally, there is a growing body of research that has studied the leadership styles and leadership potential of men and women, typically men and women managers (but also women in non-managerial positions). For example, using the theory of transformational leadership as an indicator of successful leadership (transformational leaders are inspirational, positive role models, concerned about followers, empowering, and push followers to be creative and take chances), research shows that women, as a group, have more transformational qualities than men. In other words, and based on this research, women have more leadership potential and tend to lead more effectively than men (I discussed this in an earlier post). So, what are the implications? Well, as attitudes about women leaders change (they are changing, albeit ever so slowly) and the labyrinth becomes less difficult to navigate, we expect more to women attain high-level leadership positions. Noted leadership scholar, Bernard Bass, predicted that by the year 2034 the majority of high-level leaders will be women, based on their more transformational qualities. Of course, men in leadership positions are also realizing that the old way of leading taking charge (command and control) may not be as effective in todays world and in the future, so they learn to adapt and change how they lead.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Ernest Hemingway :: essays papers

Ernest Hemingway In this paper, I will describe what critics have to say about Ernest Hemingway^s novel The Sun Also Rises and his short story A clean well-Light Place. First I will describe the basic plot of the story, then go one to describe each of the characters by what the critics have to say about them. I will start off with the main character and narrator Jake Barnes. Then go to Lady Brett Ashley, Robert Cohn, Pedro Romero, and finally I will fish off that section with a little about Bill Gordon. Then I will describe a little of how Ernest Hemingway^s characters fit into what critics have to say about the story. After that, I will then go into describing how the four American Themes were used in the novel. After that, I will evaluate the criticism of the book using one or two quotes from the book. >From there, I go into my next literary work. I describe the basic plot of A Clean Well-Light place. Then I describe the themes of the story. I then go on to describing the criticism, or at least what I could find on the short story. I continue with my evaluation of the criticism of the book. Also using one or two quotes. I conclude my paper by giving my evaluation of each of the works, and evaluating the author^s style, content, and themes. In The Sun Also Rises, meet Jake Barnes, the main character and narrator of the novel. He and his friend Robert Cohn meet a lady named Lady Brett. Here is the story of their adventure. In The Sun Also Rises, a group of young Americans move to Paris after World War I. Jake Barnes, a newspaperman who is in love with Lady Brett Ashley, Robert Cohn, a Jewish former Princeton student who was outcast, Lady Brett Ashley, an older Englishwoman who also love Jake Barnes, but can^t consummate their love because he was wounded in his genitals. As they travel through Paris drinking and sitting at cafes, they met up with Brett^s fianc Mike Campbell and his friend Bill Gorton. Jake plans a trip to Pamplona, Spain for a festival full of bullfighting and the running of the bulls. Before everyone got to Spain, Mike, Brett and Robert already being there, Mike and Brett decided to take a side trip to San Sebastian. Robert followed them like a lovesick puppy. While in Spain they met up with a bullfighter

Monday, November 11, 2019

Hitchcock Film Comparison

Although they all are their own independent films, there are undoubtedly several similarities between many of Alfred Hitchcock’s workings. Despite that they all may have different plot, the differences between the films are not very significant. There are three different types of Hitchcockian films that were watched in class; a psychological thriller (i. e. : Rope, Rear Window), the unexpected action filled plot (i. e. North By Northwest, The Man Who Knew Too Much), and the mix of the two (i. e. : Thirty Nine Steps, Family Plot). The majority of Hitchcock’s action films consist of an unexpecting citizen who ends up on the run for his life and meets an attractive blonde along the way that he becomes romantically involved in. The other type of plot is a more slow paced psychological thriller that takes place in a very confined area. Of course there are chases, illegal activities done by the â€Å"bad guys†, and complications with the romantic pair that keep the first type of film moving at a quick pace, and in the psychological thrillers there is generally a simplistic background given towards the beginning of the film while there is a monumental action that takes place that is followed by a slow but steady plot that builds up to it’s climax at the end of the film. From Rope to Family Plot the Hitchcockian directory style persists throughout the duration of the film grasping the attention ever so tightly of the audience and keeping them uncertain of what is to come until it actually arrives. After becoming a well renown director in the United Kingdom starting in 1921 with silent films and later moving up to â€Å"early talkies†, Alfred Hitchcock moved to Hollywood and became a United States citizen in 1956 in order to further his career. Even after becoming an American citizen, Hitchcock kept a â€Å"British subject† in his work whether or not it was intentional. With an active career that lasted over half of a century, Hitchcock wrote twenty-two titles, stared in thirty-six films, and directed sixty-six films. Because of all of his unique techniques and styles that allowed him to manipulate his audiences into feeling anything from anxiety, fear, empathy, and so on, Hitchcock made quite the name for himself and thus gained the nickname â€Å"The Master of Suspense† while his unique directorial style became known as â€Å"Hitchcockian†. Hitchcock is now considered one of Britain’s greatest directors of all time and came in first in a 2007 poll of film critics in Britain’s Daily Telegraph which referred to him as â€Å"Unquestionably the greatest filmmaker to emerge from these island, Hitchcock did more than any director to shape modern cinema, which would be utterly different without him. His flair was for narrative, cruelly withholding crucial information (from his characters and us) and engaging the emotions of the audience like no one else. † Despite how well his work is thought of and remembered, Hitchcock’s career actually came to a painstakingly slow halt after the release of Family Plot. After over six decades of directing Hitchcock became unmotivated to direct due to how poorly people received his film Family Plot. Despite his despair, towards the end of his life, Hitchcock had been working on a script for another movie, The Short Night, a projected spy thriller, however it was never filmed due to his lack of motivation, his failing health, and his concern involving his wife’s health. Much after his death, the script was published in a book concerning the final years of Alfred Hitchcock. When thinking back to any one of Hitchcock’s films, many seem to light up and immediately begin discussing which one of them was their favorites, why, and once they find out that someone that they’re talking to hasn’t seen it, they begin to ever so anxiously describe it’s plot and just what makes it as good as it is. Whether or not Hitchcock’s films were as amazing as many consider them, there are undoubtedly many similarities between all of them. However, just because there may be some similarities, this doesn’t make any one of the films bad, it simply makes them similar. Many viewers seemed to like the consistency of being able to go out to the movie theater and watch whatever Hitchcock’s new film may have been without any concern of it being bad; without even being told about the plot, and simply knowing that it will be a quality film undoubtedly worked in Hitch’s favor. Going out and seeing any one of Hitchcock’s movies became like a game in a sense; everyone went in with certain expectations and things that they were both looking for and hoping for. Many found joy in trying to spot Alfred himself somewhere in the film towards the beginning of it whether it be amongst a crowd, walking away from the camera, or whatever it may be. In many ways being a fan of Alfred Hitchcock and seeing his films became more so of a social thing than anything; it gave people something to do and then later talk about with their friends and family. Whether or not this was Hitchcock’s intention, it worked and earned him the respect that he has to this day. As previously stated, one of the reasons that many liked the Hitchcockian films was because of their consistency, however from a critic’s standpoint decades after the hype of Hitchcock, this gives some room for negative assessments of his career and films as a whole. Just because some may have liked the consistency from film to film, certainly doesn’t mean that everyone does, others may consider it repetitive or even predictable if they’ve seen some of his other work. For example, although many of Hitchcock’s films are considered to be quality films, when compared to his others, those same films may be less appreciated because their uniqueness is taken away due to their numerous similarities. North By Northwest is undoubtedly an amazing film that is filled with suspense, love, action, and hope for our hero, many would consider The Man Who Knew Too Much to be predictably similar. In both cases an innocent middle aged white U. S. itizen finds himself in the middle of a dangerous, complex, and legally taboo situation through no fault of his own. Both films are very similar in the roller-coaster of emotions that they put the audience through and leave them with the same feelings and emotions by the end of the film. The same is true for Rope and Rear Window however instead of an action packed romantic feature film, the audience is brought through the more dark and scary course of events that follow one or two main characters. With the psychological thrillers there is much more of a realistic and closer to home feeling rather than with the action films. The same is true for Psycho, so much so that most of those who watched it were left terrified, disturbed, and with an erie feeling about hotels for some time after. Just like Rope and Rear Window, Psycho takes place primarily in one location and is paced slowly but with a deep and dark plot that strikes fear and concern into the hearts of most who watch it. Despite the fact that most of his films fall into one of the two previously mentioned categories, there is of course the shade of grey in Hitchcock’s other films; they are the ones that have more of a mix of action and romance but also consist of psychological torment and suspense. There will always be comparisons between certain things, especially so if there is something as similar as the same director to begin with, however there are always exceptions and middle grounds that end up surprising those who think that they know exactly what to expect.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Pros and/or Cons of Stand Your Ground Law Essay

The infamous George Zimmerman case has stirred the controversy around Stand Your Ground laws and brought these laws to the public light, becoming the subject of vigorous nationwide debates whether these laws should be repealed or not. Like many controversial legislative, Stand Your Ground laws have their critics and proponents, and both sides tend to make valid points in defense of their position. The goal of this paper is to show cons and pros of Stand Your Ground laws. In Florida as well as 21 other American states, as stated by to the National Conference of State Legislatures, the above-mentioned laws are self-defense laws that relieve individuals of their â€Å"duty to retreat from an attacker before using force against them anywhere they are legally allowed to be† (Clark). While in general these laws do not use such a notion as â€Å"stand your ground† specifically, Florida together with nine other states has these words in its law. In Stand Your Ground law in Florida, particularly, it is stated that â€Å"a person who is not engaged in an unlawful activity and who is attacked in any other place where he or she has a right to be has no duty to retreat and has the right to stand his or her ground and meet force with force, including deadly force, if he or she reasonably believes it is necessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or herself or another or to prevent the commission of a forcible felony† (qtd. in Clark). The major con of this law, as its critics think, is that it essentially gives individuals with malicious intent a legal loophole to avoid criminal prosecution for killing someone if these individual state that they had to defend themselves. Eric Holder, the US Attorney General, is among those opponents of Stand Your Ground laws who believe that these laws will allow individuals to provoke others to attack them first and then, as it can be deemed self-defense and these individuals will not have the duty to retreat, they will be able to kill them without fear of getting prosecuted (Cooke). In states with Stand Your Ground laws, people will not have to think twice whether they should use weapons to defend themselves against the attackers or retreat because they will have the right to kill their attackers. Such violence will breed further violence. Criminals may use this law to cover up the deliberate and premeditated killing of people. However, proponents of this law may respond to the above-mentioned claims of their counterparts as follows. This  critique of Stand Your Ground crumbles under the weight of the argument that â€Å"In almost every state, if and when an individual enters into an altercation with the deliberate intention of provoking the other party into threatening him with death or injury, they lose the right to claim that they were acting in self-defense† (Cooke). All individuals have the right to liberty and life and therefore, they have the right to defend themselves. Those who attack people violate their victims’ rights to live, so Stand Your Ground laws legally recognize these rights, attempting to â€Å"tilt the balance in favor of the attacked† (Cooke). Both, the opponents and proponents of Stand Your Ground laws have reasonable and sound arguments, but they need to find some middle ground regarding these laws that will satisfy both sides. Works Cited Clark, Korey. Nearly Half of States Have â€Å"Stand Your Ground† Laws like Florida’s. 2013. Web. 28 Nov. 2013. Cooke, Charles C.W. Stand Your Ground on Stand Your Ground. 2013. Web. 28 Nov. 2013 .

Thursday, November 7, 2019

An In-Depth Look at the Lightning Thief

An In-Depth Look at 'the Lightning Thief' The first book in Rick Riordan’s Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, The Lightning Thief, was published in 2005. This book is an entertaining introduction to a world of half-bloods, heroes, and Greek mythology. From the hilarious chapter titles (â€Å"We Take a Zebra to Vegas†) to the action-packed and thrilling text, to the strong narrative voice and compelling characters, readers of all ages (especially those ages 10 to 13) will find themselves immersed in Percy’s world. Many readers are unable to put the book down. Story Synopsis The books protagonist is 12-year-old Percy Jackson, who has dyslexia. He cant seem to keep himself out of trouble. He has been kicked out of a lot of boarding schools, but the last thing he wants to do is get kicked out of Yancy Academy. Things go horribly wrong on a field trip to the Metropolitan Museum of Art when he and his best friend Grover are attacked by their math teacher, who has turned into a monster. Percy narrowly escapes this monster, then learns the truth about why his teacher attacked him. It turns out that Percy is a half-blood, the son of a Greek god, and there are monsters trying to kill him. The safest place is at Camp Half-Blood, a summer camp on Long Island for the children of the gods. Here, Percy is introduced to a new world of gods, magic, quests, and heroes. After a series of page-turning events where Percys mother is kidnapped and Zeuss master lightning bolt is stolen, a crime for which Percy is being blamed,  he sets out on a quest with his friends Grover and Annabeth. They want to find the lightning bolt and return it to Mount Olympus on the 600th floor of the Empire State building. Percy and his friends mission takes them in all sorts of odd directions and on adventures around the country. By the end of the book, Percy and his pals have helped restore order among the gods, and his mom is set free. Why Its Worth Reading While the plot sounds needlessly complicated, it works as a whole to keep the reader engaged. There’s an overarching story that holds all the smaller pieces together. The smaller side plots introduce various Greek gods and myths that make the story so much fun to read. Riordan knows his Greek mythology and understands how to make these stories interesting for kids. The Lightning Thief is appealing to both boys and girls, as the book is peppered with strong male and female heroes and heroines. The Lightning Thief provides a fantastic start to a fun series. Its highly recommended reading for children aged 10 to 13. About Author Rick Riordan A former sixth grade English and social studies teacher, Rick Riordan is the author of the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series, the  Heroes of Olympus  series, and The Kane Chronicles  series. He has also been a part of The 39 Clues series. Riordan is an outspoken advocate of books that are accessible and interesting to read for kids with dyslexia and other learning disabilities. He is also the author of an award-winning mystery series for adults. Sources: Riordan, R. (2005).  The . New York: Hyperian Books.Lightening Thief Rick Riordan. (2005). Retrieved from

Monday, November 4, 2019

A single economic concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

A single economic concept - Essay Example The process aims at identifying the costs that the company can reduce in the long run or ways that the company can increase its revenues in the long run which can marginally increase the element of profit for it for a given level of output or even by increasing the level of output. (Investorwords) Whichever cost is sustained by a company can be grouped into two categories which are variable costs and fixed costs. Variable costs change with the increase in the output while the fixed costs are sustained by the entity stay the same whatever be the output, which also includes zero output. When the company has attained the point where its total costs have equaled the total revenue, it has reached the point of break even and each additional product of the company will generate pure profit for which only the variable costs will be charged and the fixed cost will be spared as the breakeven has already covered them so an increase in the level of output can aid in the profitability of the company with greater margin of profit. For each unit sold or service offered, the marginal profit of the company is the difference of the revenue and the cost of that particular product. If the revenue for a unit of product is greater than the unit cost of that product then the profit for the unit is positive and vice

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Year 12 stress levels for australian students Essay

Year 12 stress levels for australian students - Essay Example Because of this, stress is a serious issue for Australian students in year 12. A recent study carried out by an Australian psychologist Karen McGraw of the University of Swinburne indicates that almost one in five year 12 students have thought about hurting or killing themselves because of the stress caused by exam and homework pressures. In this study, 941 Victorian final-year students were surveyed. McGraw has described the effects of stress on the mental health of the students studied as â€Å"alarming†, and further states that while 19% had thought of suicide or self-harm, around one third of students were â€Å"severely depressed† and 41% were suffering from anxiety.2 Another Australian psychologist, adolescence specialist Michael Carr-Gregg, has stated that an inquiry in 2004 into youth suicides found that one in 11 completed suicides is a direct result of stress related to the pressures of year 12.3 McGraw’s study results come after a report in December of last year that Australian scientists had discovered conclusive proof that stress causes physical sickness – it was discovered that during periods of stress, the body releases a hormone called neuropeptide Y that dampens the body’s immune system.4 Thus it is likely that many year 12 students who are suffering from stress may also suffer from stress-related illnesses, which can only serve to increase the pressures that homework and examinations place upon them. An earlier study, carried out in the late 1990s by Lorraine Smith and Kenneth E. Sinclair of the University of Sydney reported that 31% of year 12 and 25% of year 11 students surveyed had suffered anxiety, stress, and depression which fell â€Å"outside the normal range†.5 Together with the results of McGraw’s work, the results of this study suggest that stress is becoming a more severe problem for year 12 students over time. In recent years this has been recognized as a serious issue, and there is an